Monday, March 28, 2011

A quarter of an inch...

That's how tall I felt this morning when I was closing the door while Monkey stood on the other side of it crying this morning as I left for work.  I wanted to call in to work today and almost cried on my way there. I hate going to work and wish that I could just be a stay at home, with the option to work if I wanted to.  He woke up cranky and wanted "milt" (milk) as soon as he stood up in his crib. Mind you, I am already running late and REALLY need to get out the door.  Looking back, I feel bad about being impatient with him now. It's not his fault couldn't get my butt out of bed this morning at a decent time to shower and not be running out the door in a hurry.  I have class tonight and won't see him until I get home (around 8p.m.)...which also happens to be his bedtime. *sigh*  Hopefully he is still awake when I get home. I'd really like to love up on him before he goes to sleep and make up for the lack of Mommy kisses he'll receive today... LOL

I noticed yesterday that he is bringing in a molar! His 2 year molar on the bottom left side. Not sure about the right side yet or either of the top ones. Poor baby. LOL

I realized something the other day. His father completely missed his second birthday. Didn't express a desire to see him, no call. Nothing. I wonder if he will see his father in the same light that the rest of us do...  Another story for another day.

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